You Give. They Walk. They Hug. They Live.

Help our underserved clients move confidently again.

They’ve spent hours on the phone, been constantly denied, and doubt they’ll ever hear the “yes” they need. This is why we exist. Your generous donations let us move quickly, order prosthetics at the lowest price, and connect amputees with prosthetists.

Or support us through one of our integrated partners.

Give Non-Cash Gifts

Giving appreciated stock, mutual funds, real state, vehicles, and other non-cash donations to Steps of Faith through The Signatry is a great way to give more and pay less tax without tapping into personal cashflow. To learn more about how you can contribute in this way, contact us.

Support Our Mission

Organize a Fundraiser

Thanks to Facebook, you can craft your own social shindig. Click the link, select “raise money” and search for Steps of Faith.

Organize an Event

Interested in opening your home or office – along with the hearts of your guests or employees – to our cause? Email us.

Purchase SoF Merchandise

Thanks to our good friends at Seen Merch, we’re proud to offer a wide array of Steps of Faith apparel for purchase.